• Onitsarse Purple Glaze 500ml

    Purple Glaze is our perfected blend of quick detailer. – Safely remove that light layer of contaminants and dust with a few simple sprays.  Complimented with a gorgeous fragrance of purple blueberry and with an added feature of a hydrophobic layer which will give you those beads that we all love.

    Directions of use: Wear protective gloves/clothing/eye/face protection.

    Simply spray onto the surface, wipe and buff to give a slick and durable finish.




    Can cause skin irritation; eye damage. Wash contaminated skin thoroughly after handling this product.

    IF ON SKIN; Wash with plenty of water. If skin irritation occurs; seek medical advice/attention immediately.
    IF IN EYES; Rinse well with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do so.
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    Downloads for this product are currently unavailable, please get in contact if you require any documentation.