• KRANZLE K 2000 Series TS/TST Dirtkiller

    Genuine Spare Parts

    See Diagram & Click the link for price & availability

    1. Spray body 41520

    2. O-ring 41521

    3. Nozzle seat 41522

    4. Nozzle 03 415234

    4.1 Nozzle 042 41523

    5. Stabilizer 41524

    6. O-ring 1 13150

    7. Spray stopper 41526

    8. Pipe 500 mm 415271 

    9. Nipple D12 13474

    11. Front cap for dirt killer 415281

    12. Rear cap for dirt killer 03 415421 

    12.1 Rear cap for dirt killer 042 415402 


    Repair set for dirt killer 03 410961

    Rep.- Dirt killer set 042 41.097 consisting of 1x 2 each; 3; 4; 5

    Dirt killers 03 complete. with lance 12438-03 

    Dirt killer 042 cpl. with lance 12438-042

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